
Chapter 16: Gift Giving Starts at Target

      Gift giving occasions such as the holidays for example, calls for Target to deliver and supply customers with the things that they need and want. Target delivers first by preparing its ideas for how to grab a consumer's attention and then it reaches its presentation stage where the majority of the attention is given by the consumer to Target.      Adding different booths depending on the season is something that helps to sell the items as more of those similar products are being put out on the sales floor. This helps draw a consumer's attention and make them make a decision whether they will walk out with a seasonal gift or not. Let's say for example a Christmas booth at Target, the design of the booth might be so eye catching that in some cases it forces a consumer to get something without them even realizing if they need it.     Target has mastered the gift giving scenario that it has all the holidays for shopping on it...

Chapter 15 Innovations: Adoption, Resistance, and Diffusion

New Plans                     Just last year, an exciting announcement of an exclusive partnership with Target and Disney. In the company’s press release, it states, “Disney and Target worked closely to co-develop and design an experience that will bring the magic of Disney store to Target guests in new and unique ways while extending the Disney store footprint .” Both companies are working together to co-create a magical experience at the convenience of the giant retailer. Target announced that 25 stores would be providing the fairy tale experience of Disney, with two stores available in California. (Check out where the nearest Disney-Target store is closest to you at Disney Store Finder ).           Target is no stranger to testing out the waters regarding innovation in e-commerce and stores. Proposing the goal to remodel its stores for a more modern appeal, the company has updated more than 400 ...

Ch. 14: Psychographics of Target Consumers

  T arget is addressing the changing values and lifestyles of its consumers in several ways. On its  website , Target speaks about its climate goals, its social issues goals, and its corporate social responsibility.   Pictured above is a graphic from Target's website that speaks about the specific actions they are taking as a company to address climate change. This appeals to Target consumers, such as millennials, who  increasingly value the impact of their own carbon footprint and think of themselves as environmentally conscious. Additionally, from their article  referenced below, Target is also addressing the inequitable treatment of certain races and classes in the United States, which has been increasingly on the minds of many Americans, largely brought to the forefront of the Cultural Milieu of the country by the Covid-19 pandemic.  Here’s How Target’s Helping Create 1 Million Jobs for Black Americans Over the Next Decade The way Target addresses the p...

Chapter 13: Everything for Everyone at Target

      At Target, you can find just about anything that is desired by any person in the household ranging from food to clothes. Target attempts to engage all customers to be able to create new memories within their own families through Target's easy way of shopping. This is only one of the ways that Target has been able to accomplish new heights in their retail success these past few years.      As was stated by Amanda Luu, recruiter at Target, Target tries to make it simple for different types of families such as families who truly go into the store to shop and families that simply want to be in and out. She stated that finding things close to each other is something that any person from the family can really appreciate when looking for what they need.     Now in regard to the things you can find at Target for the family as a whole is truly exciting. Whether a kid is looking for an action figure or Ps5 or a mother is looking for makeup and cl...

Chapter 12: Consumer Diversity

 Target's Average Consumer           Target aims to invite everyone into their stores and to shop online. But, the average consumer at Target is described as “Female, younger, and chic .” A valid explanation can be the company’s mission to bring more affordable higher-end clothing brands that stay updated with the trends. Or the availability of various cosmetic and skincare brands in their beauty section of the store. Around 60-3% of customers are female, and 58-62% are between 18 (Gen Z) to 44 (Gen X).            Its extraordinary appeal to the younger generation is its rapid development to offer a virtual shopping experience. A free mobile app that provides exclusive deals to customers displays the availability of products in stores; collecting points is an attraction with today's technology. Especially with Gen Z, where technology has been integrated into their lifestyles since childhood, it is a more effortless sh...

Ch. 11 Target and Social influences on Consumer Behavior

T arget focuses on Associative Reference Groups to influence consumers, such as family, friends and school groups, in their marketing efforts. This is demonstrated in many of their ads, two of which are pictured below. By showing consumers their associative reference groups in their ads, Target hopes to influence consumers decisions to shop at their store, because even consumers who identify as individualistic react positively to products connected with their reference group.  A dditionally, Target also uses moms as opinion leaders to influence online word of mouth, which positively effects consumer behavior.  A s demonstrated above, moms all around the world tweet, write blogs, and have Instagram and Facebook posts dedicated to their love of Target. This is a marketer's dream, as word of mouth such as this serves in several ways to influence consumer behavior. Firstly, moms are typically the gatekeepers and opinion leaders of the household, so they are already influentia...

Chapter 10: Meeting Customers' Needs

      Target , with its 23 billion dollar revenue (24.7% increase from 2019) and its expanding locations continues to make the attempt to meet and ultimately exceed the customer's needs.      Target attempts to collect data from its consumers by giving each person a guest satisfaction survey that will eventually develop initiatives to bring in more consumers according to an article by . Finding customer satisfaction is crucial as it will determine many things within the company and Target has gone above and beyond to achieve that. As said earlier in this blog, with Target's increasing revenue they were able to build more and more stores and those new stores would be focused on customer needs. One example would be those new Target stores having a close proximity to similar items as it has made it convenient for customers looking to be in and out of the store as stated in a Harte Hanks article.