Chapter 3: From Exposure to Comprehension

Target uses a 3rd party advertising agency to display their campaigns, specifically interest-based advertising (IBA). It essentially means that the advertising agency collects data from consumers' activities when customers visit Target's website or mobile app to efficiently promote its products. To attract the consumer's attention, the company uses various forms of advertising such as television broadcasting to promote the brand and on social media platforms like Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Additionally, the company also emails the newsletter of its in-store and online promotions and upcoming releases to its customers when the customers' signup with their emails.

What to Expect From Target Cyber Monday Sales in 2019: Nintendo Switch  Games Are BOGO Half Off!

The company's target audience is consumers with a higher-income that allows flexibility to enjoy higher-quality products and low-cost designer clothing. Target's marketing strategy is to direct customers to shop at its stores to fulfill all of the consumer's necessities, such as groceries, personal care, clothing, decor, etc. It also strives to incorporate inclusivity in its strategy since Target wants to make every customer feel welcome in its retail environment.

racial equity and social justice | Target Corporation
