Ch 5: Target and Consumer Attitudes

 Emotional Appeal and Emotional Contagion:

Target wants to affect consumer's attitudes, so they invoke emotional appeal and emotional contagion in their ads to illicit positive feelings from consumers towards their brand. In the ad pictured above, Target wants to make consumers feel the joy and excitement of marriage and love, as well as making it know to the public that any couple, same sex or gay, is welcome in their stores. 

In the ad pictured above, Target wants to invite their consumers to feel what it would like to be lying on those fun and colorful floaties in the pool on a hot summer day. 

In yet another example of emotional appeal and emotional contagion from Target, the ad above promotes joy. In the ad there are bright and surprising background colors and clothes on the smiling actors, who actually seem to be so joyful they are in motion. It is clear that Target wants to achieve affective responses with its ads, as these types of responses are more influential than cognitive responses. Target wants its consumers to feel happiness when they think of their brand, as well as see themselves in the various ads pictured above.

Source Credibility: 

Chrissy Teigen and Target

By enlisting Chrissy Teigen to develop and promote a line of cookware for their stores, Target is hoping to influence consumer's attitudes. Chrissy Teigen employs the three characteristics of credibility: 

1) Trustworthiness:  

Ms. Teigen's persona on twitter is one of a funny, down to earth truth teller. She is seen as someone people can trust, and someone who seems like 'one of the people.' 

2) Expertise: 


Ms. Teigen has written several successful cookbooks and is a well known lover of food. This makes Teigen an expert in home cooking, which Target has capitalized on. 

3) Status: 


Ms. Teigen is a high-profile, famous model who has leveraged her fame to launch a career in the culinary world, as well as develop a devoted following on Twitter. She is respected as a down to earth artist, who knows her way around the kitchen and has a passion for food. Target saw an opportunity to partner with Chrissy Teigen, as she could be a credible source from which consumers can receive messages about Target's brand.


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